Monday, December 30, 2019

How To Improve Strategic Thinking Skills

Hello Everyone !!! 😉
Welcome Back to my blog !!!

My post this time will share to you guys about how to improve your strategic thinking skills in every situation.Alright guys, enjoy with the contents ! 😉

1. Make time for progress and thinking. 

While it is important to take care of daily tasks, even the mundane ones, you must set aside some time to think about the future. This is the path to progress. Go over your responsibilities, decide which ones can wait temporarily, and let yourself think of ways you can contribute to the success of your organisation. Always action on the task that will provide the greatest benefits today, and leave lesser tasks for tomorrow. Ask yourself, “what is the one task I can do today that will leverage the most benefit?”

2. Be aware of your own bias. 

Everyone has biases. You do too. Take charge of your mind by critically examining your thoughts and questioning them. Do you hold them because they are logical now or because they’ve served you well in the past? Admitting to some flawed thinking does not diminish your ability to do your job. On the contrary: you are now thinking strategically.

3. Improve your listening skills.

 Once you accept that your beliefs may be flawed, the next step is to improve your listening skills. Talk to your colleagues, employees and wider network and let their perspectives teach you new ways of thinking. Maintain an open mind, be receptive to feedback, and evaluate everything you hear.

4. Hone questioning skills.

Strategic thinking requires you to question everything you see or are told. This is not the same as being cynical: you’re collecting and weighing facts, not shooting down ideas or traditions. Ask if an idea is rational, with a credible source and any proof to support its value. Taking time to question something and understand why it is being proposed.

5. Understand the consequences.

 All decisions have consequences. After listening to ideas and points of view, carefully consider the potential impact of each one. What are its pros and cons? Which one is most likely to help the company meet its goals? This step will help you make a final decision, and over time, making the strategic choice will come more naturally.

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