
Welcome back everyone !!!
I hope all of you are doing well 😉

Time flies so fast ,right ? It feels just like in a blink of an eye we have already on the edge of December 2019. Just a few days for us to welcome our new year ( 2020 ) !!! 😆

Alright guys, before we enter to our new year, I would like to share with you guys about my memories in semester 3 . It was surely my hardest semester compared to my previous semesters. This semester really use all of my money, energy and time to get through it. However, all the hardship surely gives me a wonderful feeling of satisfaction when I able to face it successfully.I am really proud of myself and also to my group members who is surely done their work as best as they could.The experience is really amazing. Here are some photos that I have been through this third semester. Enjoy!😉

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