Memories II

Welcome back to my blog ! πŸ˜‰

Now I will show you my experience in my matriculation life.

My Matric Card 
Before I enter the matriculation life, I am an introvert person. I don't like to new people,I don't have many friends or hang out whenever I am free. I often feel like I don't have to interact with people because I don't like to be social. However, matriculation really change me to be the best version of me. I discover what I really love to do and that is when doing the experiments. It always fascinate me whenever I do the experiments.

Me and my group πŸ˜‰

I have to use my own blood for this experiment though πŸ˜‚

Also, I have the best classmates that I could have ever wanted.All of them is really supportive and also we always help each other if one of us have difficulties in our studies.I really proud of them because 100 % in my classmates are all furthering their studies in the university. Other than that,they also change me from being introvert to someone who is easy to talk to and they also the reason that I gain my confidence whenever I have to talk in front of the class.Thank you !πŸ˜‰

My Lovely Classmate

Next, most people says that when you choose to study in the matriculation, you will have a lack of sleep,stress,lots of work and others. Let me clarify to all of you, yes it's true. However, it teach us to value our time and also we have no time to waste for the things that is not important to us. I didn't skip a single class when I am there. Well, the lecturers is really stern but also caring for their students.Varieties of ways they use to make sure we understand with the subject and could score in our test.Yes, it is kind of tiring with all of the works that they given,but all of the hard work really helps us in our test and finals ( PSPM).

Our English Lecturer

Our Science Computer Lecturer

Our Biology Lecturer

Biology Report

Addmath Tutorial πŸ˜‘

I also have the opportunity to be the director in a program. This position that have been given to me really grows me into a responsible person and also can polish my leadership skills. Being the director really gives me a hard time whenever the team makes some problems.However, it teach me on how to deal with the situation with the right decision making. 

Me evaluate their work

Me and my team

Our Program

Before I forgot, I am the Bendahari in Multimedia Bureau. Before I get the position, I have to go to interview for the position that I desire. Lucky for me, the interview went well and I've got the position that I wanted to. It is challenging to fulfill our responsibilities and gives our commitments in this bureau because it consume our time and energy. However, it teach me on how to arrange my time more efficiently to ensure my academics and curriculum.

Multimedia Bureau Members

All right. I think that's all from me . See you on my next post .πŸ˜‰

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