Thursday, January 9, 2020

Top 5 Inspirational Quotes

1. It is impossible to live without failing at something,unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all. - J.K. Rowling -

2. Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more.If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey -

3. If you are always trying to be normal,you will never know how amazing you can be. - Maya Angelou -

4. However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.It matters that you do not just give up. - Stephen Hawking - 

5. Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep you balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein-

How to Be Mentally Strong

What is mentally strong?

Being mentally and emotionally strong means that you can behave normally no matter how much stress is presented . In other words, you can go about your business no matter what happens. For example, when you're mentally strong, you look reality in the eye without fear. You face the challenging things in life instead of running away from the hard stuff.

Working Harder VS Working Smarter

What is Hard Work?

Hard work means putting in a lot of time and effort doing a certain amount of work. Hard work aims at the quantity and may become monotonous and boring after a certain period.Working hard involves a lot of tedious work which is carried out traditionally.

What is Smart Work?

Smart work means spending less amount of time performing the same amount of work.Smart work aims at achieving goals with quality.People work smartly, they can achieve more output by working in an unconventional and modern way which could include attending webinars, classes, and coaching.

Top 5 Best Motivational Talks

1. Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Through this speech, Jobs tells us how we can find triumph through struggle. Jobs gave this speech one year after he was diagnosed with cancer. He had surgery and he was fine at that point. That’s the most important part of this speech: understanding our time here is limited.

2. Al Pacino’s Inch by Inch

 The moment when Al Pacino gives one of the greatest speeches seen on the big screen is priceless. It’s not just a speech about football. It’s about winning. It’s about overcoming obstacles. It’s about becoming stronger. It’s about life in general!

3. J.K. Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech

   There’s one aspect of this speech that makes it different from most others on our list: the talk about poverty. The writer tells the truth about it. There’s no romanticizing of poverty. As she says, only fools do that. This situation entails fear, stress, and depression.However, what she feared most for herself when she was young wasn’t poverty. It was a failure.

4. Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007 

 Gates didn’t graduate. He is Harvard’s most successful dropout. He makes a big point, though the fact that he dropped out doesn’t make academic life less of an important experience. Gates used to sit in on classes he hadn’t even signed up for.As he says in his speech, one of his most precious memories of Harvard is being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. Education is important, and it is a privilege. However, getting to know the wider world is also important, even though it’s shocking for the most part.

5. Jim Carrey Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation

You would expect a funny speech from one of the funniest men on Earth, wouldn’t you? Well, here is a surprise: Jim Carrey is deep. This speech is enlightening, to say the least. The main message is to choose love over fear.

The 8 Habits of Highly Productive People

What is productive people? 

A productive person gets much done. They may not necessarily be “busy”, because if they’re very efficient, they may get a lot done, or very valuable things done, in a short amount of time. This is why sometimes there are very productive people who have more time than others to not be busy.

What habits do they follow?

As someone obsessed with productivity, I have identified 8 habits of highly productive people. These habits could help you guys get the best out of your day. If you follow just one or two of these habits, you will see your productivity soar.

Habit 1: Remove the unimportant (and Focus on the important)

              (Focus on the important matters)

Habit 2: Work on the 80/20

              (The 20% tasks that make the most impact)

Habit 3: Take breaks

              (Rejuvenate to walk the longer road ahead)

Habit 4: Remove distractions

              (Remove the things that limit your productivity)

Habit 5: Set a timeline

              (Focus on the needs that have to be done)

Habit 6: Be in a flow environment

              (Be in a space that inspires you fully)

Habit 7: Use time pockets

              (Make the best of every minutes)

Habit 8: Automate

              (Use technology wherever you can)

Monday, December 30, 2019

How To Improve Strategic Thinking Skills

Hello Everyone !!! 😉
Welcome Back to my blog !!!

My post this time will share to you guys about how to improve your strategic thinking skills in every situation.Alright guys, enjoy with the contents ! 😉

1. Make time for progress and thinking. 

While it is important to take care of daily tasks, even the mundane ones, you must set aside some time to think about the future. This is the path to progress. Go over your responsibilities, decide which ones can wait temporarily, and let yourself think of ways you can contribute to the success of your organisation. Always action on the task that will provide the greatest benefits today, and leave lesser tasks for tomorrow. Ask yourself, “what is the one task I can do today that will leverage the most benefit?”

2. Be aware of your own bias. 

Everyone has biases. You do too. Take charge of your mind by critically examining your thoughts and questioning them. Do you hold them because they are logical now or because they’ve served you well in the past? Admitting to some flawed thinking does not diminish your ability to do your job. On the contrary: you are now thinking strategically.

3. Improve your listening skills.

 Once you accept that your beliefs may be flawed, the next step is to improve your listening skills. Talk to your colleagues, employees and wider network and let their perspectives teach you new ways of thinking. Maintain an open mind, be receptive to feedback, and evaluate everything you hear.

4. Hone questioning skills.

Strategic thinking requires you to question everything you see or are told. This is not the same as being cynical: you’re collecting and weighing facts, not shooting down ideas or traditions. Ask if an idea is rational, with a credible source and any proof to support its value. Taking time to question something and understand why it is being proposed.

5. Understand the consequences.

 All decisions have consequences. After listening to ideas and points of view, carefully consider the potential impact of each one. What are its pros and cons? Which one is most likely to help the company meet its goals? This step will help you make a final decision, and over time, making the strategic choice will come more naturally.

Source :

Ways Of Developing Leadership Skills

Welcome Back Peeps ! 😉

In this post, I would like to share some information about developing leadership skills.Anyone can be a leader but does everybody have the characteristics to be a leader?
Without further or do, let's get to it 😉


No one wants to seek counsel from someone who doesn’t care about the topic as much or more than they do. Passion is effort; passion is exertion. Passion is never giving up. Without it, you cease innovating and stagnate. When you display authentic enthusiasm and passion for the end result, your people will keep moving toward their goals.

Employees respond to those who are eager to help them learn and grow. Show passion for everything you do, including in your pursuit in learning how to develop leadership skills. Your desire will be clear to your employees, and inspire them to improve leadership skills, too.


People respect someone who walks the walk. Research supports this statement; a core characteristic of transformational leaders is the ability to be a role model. Show those around you exactly what you’d like to see them do. Don’t waver on this. The strongest message you can send to your team is to model the behaviors you’d like to see. “If they can do this,” your team will think, “So can I.”


No leader is born with everything necessary to succeed. It takes time and effort to improve leadership skills, and it begins with a thorough examination of your strengths and weaknesses. A strong knowledge of your innate gifts and abilities means you can put them to work for you, while an understanding of your weaknesses provides you with areas you know you can improve. Addressing your shortcomings leads to true growth.


Even the most formidable leaders don’t come up with success out of nowhere. The grandest vision will never get off the ground if you don’t plot a path to get there. Invest time in clarifying your goals and solidifying them. Formulating the right plan and setting meaningful benchmarks along the way gives you a map to follow, a methodology that will guide your business through the next week, month, year and decade. Once you achieve a particular goal, look toward another; constant striving to meet that next benchmark will give you and your employees a sense of meaning and pride.


Even the most powerful, inspiring leaders make mistakes. When you recognize an error, admit it openly and take action to correct it. Be open about your failures; discuss them with yourself and with your team. Learn from them. Ask yourself and your team, “How can I avoid making this mistake in the future?” Learning from your failures sends a powerful message to those around you. They understand that you will lead well even when you make a mistake. Those wondering how to improve leadership skills should learn how to recognize successes and failures.


If you’re complaining about every little detail and can only see the worst-case scenario at the end of every plan, you have little chance of inspiring others. Motivation is an extension of belief; if you say, “No, that won’t work” or “why bother?” to an employee, you’re signaling to them that you do not believe in their idea, in them or even in the business itself. An employee who feels you do not believe in them will not perform well, and can even create a domino effect of poor morale across the business. Instead, believe in others and what they are capable of. Inspire and motivate them to work harder and reach greater heights. Improve leadership skills throughout your business by generating and focusing positive energy, even when things aren’t going according to plan.


When developing leadership skills, it’s essential that you know why you’re putting time and effort into your chosen goal. What drives you? Your immediate response may be simple: A larger paycheck from a job well done or the prestige that comes from higher rank. But step back for a moment. Why do you want that larger paycheck? Is it so your family feels more secure? Perhaps you want to lead because you feel you can help others by developing products and services that they need, or you see a place where you can cause positive change in your industry. These are all higher purposes, and by identifying your own, you can better operate as a confident, knowledgeable and empowering leader for others.

Source :

Top 5 Inspirational Quotes

1. It is impossible to live without failing at something,unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all. - J....